This morning we attended a lecture by the shore excursion office for our upcoming port of Kuala Lumpur, followed by an afternoon lecture by the location guide David on practical information for the port of Kelang in Malaysia. Valerie Mock gave a lecture on the port of Singapore and how it is the second busiest port in the world next to Shanghai. More than 1,000 ships are in the Singapore harbor at any given time waiting for a spot at a terminal where they can be loaded or unloaded. Singapore is in the final construction phase of building a new container port that is capable of handling the new larger cargo ships. Once this new facility is completed they will disassemble the current cargo container area near downtown Singapore and redevelop it. This will allow room for many new residential and office towers to be built in town.
Several of the folks that we have meet on the ship will be leaving us in Singapore so eleven of us got together for a farewell dinner in the dining room. Dennis and Alex will return to Berlin. Many of the group will continue to South Hampton or Rotterdam. After dinner we enjoyed the Rotterdam singers and dancers in their show titled “Dance”.