March 26, 2016 Sea Day

This morning the weather was much cooler since we had reached the Mediterranean Sea. People were once again wearing sweaters and complaining about how cold it was, a big change from the heat and humidity of Asia.

We attended a lecture by Professor William Morris Welch on Italy and the circumstances that led it from a monarchy to a republic. The time period in history that he discussed covered the late 19th Century until the 1930’s. It was a very interesting lecture with a variety of interesting Kings and rulers, murders and wars. Some things change but history always seems to repeat itself in so many ways.

The afternoon included a lecture by Martyn Green on the port of Ceuta, a Spanish enclave on the North African coast of the Mediterranean. Martyn always has wonderful slides to accompany his lectures and lots of practical information.

In the evening we attended a showing of the movie titled Trumbo starring Bryan Cranston, Diane Lane and Helen Mirren. The film tells the story of Dalton Trumbo in 1947 that was Hollywood’s top screenwriter and how he and other artists were jailed and blacklisted for their political beliefs. After dinner we attended a variety show featuring Hilary O’Neil and Andy Bunger, both of whom performed earlier this week.