Happy Valentines Day! We continue to lose time on a regular basis as we move further east. Early this morning our clocks moved forward 30 minutes so that we would be inline with local time in Thailand. Local time is now 15 hours earlier than it is in San Diego. Our location guide David presented practical information for our next port of call in Phuket, Thailand tomorrow.
The afternoon included a lecture by Werner Salinger on Patagonia and Antarctica and how climate change is affecting these areas. An Indonesian afternoon tea was enjoyed in the dining room to celebrate with a friend, Michael, for his 70th birthday. We shared dinner with a very sweet gay couple from Germany (Thomas) and the Netherlands (Martin). They live on a dyke an hour north of Amsterdam and are now retired and fill their time with travel, gardening and looking after their rental property and homes in Germany and the Netherlands. After dinner we stopped by the showroom at sea to listen to the BB King’s All Stars Band as they performed songs at a sweetheart ball in honor of Valentines Day.